Leonardo247 provides our organization with a lot of benefits
One great example is when we adopted the consolidated due diligence portion of Leonardo247.
We’re often looking at new buildings and communities for our owners. In the past, separate systems siloed a lot of the information we collected and made it tough to access. If and when the building was purchased and we took over management, we would have to recreate all of that information.
It was a very manual process. Trying to recreate data that we had already worked hard to gather once was challenging. And anytime you’re recreating or duplicating data, you are ripe for errors, mistakes, and misses.
Consolidated Due Diligence Makes Transitioning to Operations Easy
With the consolidated due diligence available in Leonardo247, we’ve been able to roll that early pre-opening look into our operations throughout the process.
The transition from data gathering and review to management and operations was seamless with Leonardo247. With this system, we were able to communicate what was working well in the building. Sharing relevant information on changes was also easier.
Further, we could consistently follow those issues through the lifespan of our building management term.
In conclusion, Leonardo247 has allowed for a due diligence effort with a start-to-finish consistency that our owners expect.