Infographic about Leonardo being like peanut butter and jelly

Infographic: Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Property Management Software and Leo go together like peanut butter and jelly

A peanut butter sandwich is good, but you add jelly, and it’s great.

Same thing is true for property management software. It’s okay alone, but you add the Leonardo247 operations and maintenance system, and you’ve got something much better.

Because property management systems are built to help you manage the resident side of the business. That’s front-of-house stuff like marketing, screening, leasing, accounting, work requests, etc.

The Leonardo247 property O&M platform, on the other hand, is designed to manage the back-of-house mechanics of keeping the property and its assets in good shape—stuff like daily workflows, preventative maintenance, inspections, code compliance, and reporting.

Each is good by itself, but together, they make something great — better whole property operations. Better communication, lower costs, fewer headaches, and no surprises. Check out this infographic to see why:

Property Management Systems are better with Leo infographic

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